Essential Oil Education
I'm just one person sharing what I can, but there is a whole world of references out there.
Give a person the information they seek, and their knowledge will be limited by your capacity to share.
Teach a person where to go fish, and they’ll expand their knowledge faster than the Big Bang.
I believe in empowering and teaching others to find the information they seek without the restrictions of my limited capacity to share. Here are some of my favorite spots to "Go Fish".
Where to Learn More
Many people will tell you there aren't any medical studies on essential oils. They are full of, well, you know what they are full of. Hop on over to Pubmed and type in some keywords. I recommend typing in the scientific name of an oil, a chemical constituent, or ease in with a broad search like "Bioavailability".
If you're looking for printed publications or apps for your phone which are specific to Young Living, Life Science Publishing has a lot of material. They have the Complete Guide to Essential Oils in several formats, and even have a copy for your animal friends. These are great to quickly reference specific oils, blends, application techniques, and more.
Don't have time to sit down and read a book and need some reference material on the go? Oh man do I hear that. The Revolution Oils Podcast has a ton of information which is easy to fit in with your busy lifestyle. Give it a listen! Chances are I'm probably standing in front of a pile of laundry listening to the same podcast... balance!
If you're a science buff like me you might like to follow two of my favorite scientific essential oilers.
Lindsey Elmore, aka the Farmacist, is a chemist and a pharmacist who uses her knowledge to break down the science behind essential oils. I'm just starting to dive into her material so stay tuned for additional details.
Dr. Doug Corrigan is probably my personal favorite. He holds a PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology - be still my geeky little heart. If there's anyone out there I enjoy hearing discuss essential oils or who writes some rock solid material, this is the guy. Check out his Facebook Group "Shedding Light on Essential Oils". His eBook of FAQs is also a well composed resource.
Both Lindsey and Dr. Doug have been featured in podcasts with Revolution Oils, so check those out as well.